Friday, December 3, 2010

CHILDREN what is so different about them?

  Different societies have different ways in raising their children based on their culture and values. This results in different types of children among the different types of cultures.
   In America, I got to observe the children thorough doing mu community service hours in the children care center. And the first thing I noticed about the way they are raised is responsibility and independence. They teacher emphasizes these values, through making them cleaning there toys and arranging them without any help, wearing and zipping their coats, and cleaning their table after eating. I think that is a great way of raising the children. Besides, I noticed that the children opinions are appreciated, the teacher asks the children to choice the story they want her to read through voting. This way will defiantly prepare them for future elections and voting.  The only thing that I disliked about the children here is that they are given allot of freedom and less punishment for their mistakes.  This actually resulted in children who do not respect their parents to the extent they are suppose to. Which could be solved with more discipline.
    They way the Omani children are raised is not completely different from the way they raised in the US. Although the children in my country are raised to express their opinions and to depend on their selves, but it is at less degree.  but in general the educational institutions focus on these points. But sometimes it is the house that destroys what the schools try to build. Especially with high rate of maids at the houses, the children find it humiliating to clean classrooms or the yards when the teacher ask them to do that. We hope in the coming future such values become more valued in our society.