Tuesday, September 7, 2010

RCOAS students VS UWEC students

     There are many differences between the RCOAS( Rustaq College Of Applied Science) and UWEC students. The first difference is the way Americans dress when coming to the university. UWEC students dress in a very casual way. They come wearing the normal home clothes like flip-flops and shorts. On the contrary, the RCOAS students dress in a very formal way following the college rule of dressing. The second difference is the way Americans greet and call their teachers. Americans can great their teachers by saying hello or Hi and their first name while passing by. While Omani students great their teachers formally by adding Doctor, professor or even teacher before their teachers' first name, and they shake hands if they are from the same gender. The third difference is that UWEC students are more open to disagree with their teachers and they are used to it. Whereas, the RCOAS students mostly feel shy to disagree with their teachers even if the teacher allows and encourages disagreement .The last difference is that UWEC students like reading and almost most of the students carry a book to read whenever they have time. Compare to RCOAS students, very few students tend to like reading and you barely see a student carrying a book a part from their text books. I think these differences are influenced by the cultural aspects of life.


  1. It seems like a student from Oman has many things in common with a Thai student.

  2. It seems that all of the world have a similar culture except U.S..Just a joke~~~~

  3. I think so Jay~!!hahahahah. In korea, when you meet teacher, you have to bow!!

  4. Why do you think American students carry a book around just to read? Are you sure these aren't for a class? I've never noticed this, but I'm sure you are right because you are seeing the students with a different eye and I.
