Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My rope course experience

    Challenge is the sprit that  pushes the person  beyond his expectations and limitations. The rope course was an interesting challenge. It was a wonderful experience. Each game taught me something that can help me throughout my challenges in this life. In the first game, in which we had to work with a partner, I learned that being with others require me to help them see what they can see in the life and vice versa. Besides, it taught me that I should trust others to the degree they trust me, to accomplish our mutual goals. In the second game, in which we  had to stand on the square,  squashed together at the top of the mountain, I learned that we can save ourselves and others, if we can use what we have wisely. We should think carefully and consult others when making decisions. In the third game, the spider web game, I learned that when having a problem, we shouldn't think only about how to get ourselves only, but we should think about others too. Saving one's self selfishly  might result in leaving others in the problem forever.  In the fourth game, where we had to arrange ourselves according to the date of birth silently. I learned that words aren't the only mean of communication. A great deal of information carried out through nonverbal gestures. And since we are from different countries and we speak different languages, this game showed that gestures can be affective when communicating with people whom we don't speak their language. Especially when visiting a foreign country, sign language can be useful to get by, if we don't share any spoken language with the person we speak to.

    The rope course was a good experience for the class as a whole. Through this experience we got to know each other more.  It unified the class by getting us to work together to solve one problem. Besides, through this experience we learned a new thing about the personalities of each of the class members in terms of leadership.

   In my country Oman, the rope course is available in some parks. We also have it during festivals, as a corner in the festival where people compete in pairs or groups to when prizes. But we don't have in the universities.    


  1. I really agaree with you that chanllenge is a spirit which can push people beyond their expectations and limitations! Human's power is huge!

  2. I like the way you come with the idea about a non-verbal language. I haven't thought about that!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really liked your point about people being selfish, but thats human nature. Everyone is faced with a situaion like this once in a lifetime where they decide between goodness and selfishness.

  5. You are so shy~~~~ but you did so well.
    I agree with Praveen about the selfish is the nature of human.But i think on that day, we always think about our team not only ourselves. We have conquer the nature,it is a good thing.
