Tuesday, November 9, 2010

African-American " equality fighters"

    The African-American are those who had been brought from Africa as slaves against their will. Being slaves for a long time and having a dark skin made it difficult for them to assimilate into the American society. They fought for a long time to get their freedom and equability. It started with the civil war on 1861, which put an end to the black slavery in the United States.  But segregations continued against the black people. The African-American suffering remained until the civil right movement which lasted from 1950 until 1960. During this movement two significant laws were passed, that opened the freedom gate from the African-Americans. The civil right movement ended the segregation against the black people in public facilities, and gave them the right to vote in elections. These two laws provided a big push toward assimilating the African-American in the American society.
   Unfortunately, segregation and discrimination against the black people is still present in the 21 century.   More black people still trapped in poverty and they gain lower income than the white. Besides, the majority of the black people become the victims of violent crimes.
   In brief, the fight for equality of life for the black people continues in the equality and freedom nation.    


  1. If you were an African-American, how would you fight for your equality?

  2. According the movies named "The Human Family Tree",which was made by National Geographic, it illustrated that we all are from Africa.

  3. I think the best way to eliminate discrimination is education. Let children know that the difference of skin color is just same as the difference of eyes color.
